Monday, April 4, 2011

come to Napoli, part 27

Alright, people. It is time for you to come visit Naples. I got so excited when a friend from college sent me a message saying he and his sister would be stopping through Naples for a night on their way to Ischia. The mother hen/girl who misses friends from Gonzaga came out in me and I basically took over their itinerary and told them they must stay at our house and that we would definitely take them to the ferry station in the morning.

Tony whipped out his excellent tour-guide skills and made sure we ate at the best pizza spot in Naples, now even more famous from the movie, "Eat, Pray, Love." I think Tony and I did most of the talking as we excitedly showed them this crazy city, and then we talked even more as we showed them our home.

Graham was so excited to have people at our house during breakfast time that he also talked their ears off and made them play a little baseball with him before we could go to the ferry boats.

We may have gone a little overboard in our hospitality when we started emptying our spice cabinet into their backpacks to ensure they had flavorful food when camping... 

Then, of course, we had to show them around the town of Pozzouli, where the boats are, and make them eat more gelato with us before we let them go on their excursion.

Luckily for us, our guests were from the Chambers family, so, naturally, they were good sports and endured our overly-enthusiastic tour of Naples with smiles on their faces.

It felt very good to catch up with an old friend and to feel the spirit of Gonzaga in our home.

Thanks for stopping by, guys. It was a true delight.

So, who's next?

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