Monday, April 25, 2011

scenes from my Pasqua

Oh, had I a golden thread and a needle so fine

I would weave a magic strand of rainbow design

of rainbow design.


In it, I'd weave the courage of women giving birth


In it, I'd weave the innocence

of the children of all the earth


Children of all the earth.

Show my brothers and my sisters my rainbow design

Bind up this sorry world

With hand and heart and mind

Hand and heart and mind.

Oh, had I a golden thread and a needle so fine

I'd weave a magic strand of rainbow design

Of rainbow design.

Above are some images from my Easter weekend, along with the lyrics from the song, "Golden Thread." Performed by Eva Cassidy, and written by Peeter Seeger.

(One of my favorite songs).


  1. Looks like a beautiful Easter weekend, Katherine! Just wanted to stop by your blog to say hello and that I've been thinking of you guys. :)

  2. Thank you for sharing this beautiful song. I'm scouring good things online to get my mind off the news tonight. Listening to this song for the first time on YouTube...I'm grateful for you introducing it to me. Much love to you and your Ramblin' Fam. Take care.
