Thursday, September 1, 2011

ah, parenting

I'm sure you've noticed that I don't have much energy for writing these days. This baby is taking it all out of me.

So, I'm going to cop out once again with a video and let Graham explain why today was a bit, well, emotional for both of his parents...

Don't you think Graham just looks so grown up? Seeing your kids (because technically, we have more than one, now) grow has got to be one of the most thrilling and confusing things a person can experience. It brings excitement and joy and gratitude that they are healthy and thriving, along with nostalgia and sadness that time passes too quickly, causing you to want more time with them.

It just tears at my heartstrings.

Thanks for listening.

Have a great day.


  1. So Graham IS a normal kid, letting someone cut his hair with scissors! ;-) That is really cool you let him see the baby on the screen. It is amazing to watch kids grow. From a distance. Although I do miss Graham in person.

  2. FIINNNNNAAAAALLLLLLYYYYY!! and oh my god he looks and sounds like Nathan Condon.

  3. He is too handsome!! He could rock any hair style. What a cute kid!

  4. I think he really looks like Tony now:)
