Thursday, February 2, 2012

four verbs to describe what I will be doing this month

Waiting. Which, we all know, is the hardest part.

Nesting. Well, okay, I'm not really nesting, because, well, you know me and home decor... But, I've been thinking about washing the diapers and Graham's old newborn clothes and putting them away, and I'm two clicks away from ordering a dresser for the baby, and last weekend, Tony rearranged Graham's room in order to fit the crib since Graham insists on sharing a room with the baby, and he rearranged our room since that is where the baby will be at first, and since we're a unit, I can sort of say that I am nesting.

Savoring. The quiet. The calm. The sleep. The time to myself. My time with Tony. My time with Graham. Just Graham. We've had a wonderful 4.5 year relationship, and, pretty soon, we will get to make room for someone else. I don't know what to expect, so, for now, I am enjoying what we have.

Quenching. My thirst. I am just soooo thirsty. I spend half my time drinking water, and the other half going pee. Doesn't exactly make for good blogging material, I suppose... Sorry.  I promise to make things more interesting on here in the future (like, when we have a newborn and when my mom comes to visit and when we take said newborn on trips around Italy), but this month could get weird as I simply relax and wait.

Please, bear with me.

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